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Getting To Know Disappointments better.

I got to know disappointments better after completion of Senior High School. Prior to that I had heard a lot of distasteful opinions about h...

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What are your plans?

The brightness of the future is contingent on the plans we make today. Plan always precedes action and not vice versa. It goes beyond thinking about something you want to do to deciding HOW and WHEN you will do it. Thinking about what to do has  never been a big deal as this seems to be daily routine. However, deciding on how and when you will execute a plan has always been a challenge. A builder builds with a plan because there is no life in an unplanned building, so is our future. Make no small plans about your future, strive to make them a possibility and with determination and perseverance, you will enjoy the fruits of your plans. Remember, the future is bright with your plans.

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