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Getting To Know Disappointments better.

I got to know disappointments better after completion of Senior High School. Prior to that I had heard a lot of distasteful opinions about h...

Monday, August 8, 2016

Mistake, Not a death sentence.

Growing up, I have come to the realisation that one of the best ways to learning is through mistakes. It has also dawned on me that our teachers in the elementary school did us a bit of disservice by  charging us to seek perfection whilst making mistakes look like a death sentence. I don't blame them because it was the status quo they came to meet. At some point in my elementary school days, I had to leave a blank space for an answer I know not of or a word of which I didn't know how to spell all in fear of making a mistake. There were words I always fumbled with anytime I tried spelling on my own but were immaculate in my exercises. I bet you experienced the same. This has had a subliminal effect on our thinking and our quest to achieving our dreams. Many are coiled and have remained in their shells in fear of making mistakes as though that would be the end of them. They are waiting for the perfect words to write that article, the perfect lyrics to sing that song and the perfect idea to embark on that dream when they seem never to come. Today I want us to demystify the word MISTAKE. The word connotes something that is amiss or missing in what you took, it might be a decision, choice etc. The same way, words like misjudge -something is missing in your judgement, misinterpret- something is missing in your interpretation. You could think of the many words. The most important thing is finding what went missing and that's when you get to learn something new. From today forward, consider the word mistake with a positive connotation and don't be afraid to make them. Good luck.  

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