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I got to know disappointments better after completion of Senior High School. Prior to that I had heard a lot of distasteful opinions about h...

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The "Successful Equation"

There is a thin line between chalking success and being successful. The word "successful" is a result of the sum of two words, "success" and "helpfulness" Thus people whose success are helpful are successful (success +helpful =successful). It's a simple equation with a formula and unattainable without strict application of the rule governing it. I call it the "successful equation". Look around yourself, the people we consider the most influential and see if this rule is deficient in their lives. Helpfulness is an indispensable ingredient in cooking the meal of success, in it's absence, it is tasteless. There are a lot of people who have tasted success a lot more than those we consider as successful but remain in the success zone and not the successful zone because their success hasn't been helpful to others. That, I call , gross selfishness. As we continue to inspire and motivate ourselves to climb the success ladder, let's have this equation rooted in our mind. It will determine whether you will remain at the top or slip down the ladder. Help others to climb and relieve yourself of the weight at the bottom. Never forget that no one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed, instead, he puts it on a stand so that those who come in can see it. That is success in sum for you.

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