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I got to know disappointments better after completion of Senior High School. Prior to that I had heard a lot of distasteful opinions about h...

Sunday, August 7, 2016

What you think is who you are!

Today, I want to highlight on a sensitive subject that is key in the pursuance of our dreams and a secret to most successful people in the world. "THE POWER OF POSITIVE AFFIRMATION." One of the factors that has proven to be a deadly "disease" and inimical to the realisation of dreams is low self esteem. It kills millions of people all over the world more than any disease you can think of. I am a survivor of this chronic disease and occasionally show some traces of symptoms,  that is just to show you how powerful it is. What thoughts do you have about yourself? Are they in correspondence with your dreams? What is the point in dreaming of becoming an ace journalist, a movie star or a motivational speaker when you think of yourself as not eloquent and feel embarrassed talking in public? Why do you even dream of becoming a top model, a beauty queen when you think of yourself as not beautiful and intelligent enough? That is hypocrisy in its worse form. The biggest lie of the century. It's time to rewrite the thinking scripts about yourself through the pill of positive affirmation on daily dosage. A perfect start to your day and a panacea to low self esteem. Think something  positive of yourself, confess with your mouth. As you stand in front of your mirror today and everyday, tell yourself how much you like you, say "I like myself" "I am special" "I can do it" tell yourself you are that thing you dream of and smile and tell yourself how beautiful  you are. If you could spend so much time on your make up in front of the mirror, this wouldn't cost a thing, besides the results are enormous. Remember, If you can think it, you can see it, and if you can see it, you can have it.

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