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Getting To Know Disappointments better.

I got to know disappointments better after completion of Senior High School. Prior to that I had heard a lot of distasteful opinions about h...

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Roar out the gifts in you.

If the lions in the jungle were not to roar, I don't think the tiniest animal would be petrified at their sight. That makes them "The Kings of the jungle" The same way if you refuse to show the millions of gifts embedded in you, the youngest baby in the world would never see your kind. I find it quite intriguing when people say humans are the same. I have a whole different view on that. Let's look at the word "Humankind" from the word, what makes us the same is "human" we are all humans but of different kinds. What is your kind? Your kind of human stems from the rich gifts you are endowed with by God. You are one of a kind! The world would never see your kind! That's how special you are! Each and everyone of us is unique in his/her own way and has capabilities peculiar to him/herself. Why do you want to lose your crown just because you think you are nobody and have nothing good to offer the world. Get it done, show the world what you are made of. The gifts are not made to be hidden, they are for the benefit of humanity. Don't deny us of this privilege, roar out the gifts in you.

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